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When Your Prayer Seems Unanswered

L I F E   L I N E
Amb. Joseph Fakorede

When Your Prayer Seems Unanswered

All of us at one time or the other have felt as if God has abandoned us. But in is magnanimity, God has no reason to abandon any of us. 
All the time that we considered abandoned are those time that God is preparing us for our glorious manifestations. 

When Joseph was going through his wilderness experiences in the Bible; it seems as if God has abandoned him. God is such a supreme being that he is not bothered by what you go through; he is only concerned about where he is taking you. When Daniel was being thrown into the lion's den; it was as if God has completely forsaken him. God most times is not bothered about our bitter experiences; he is most of the time concerned about our final destination. Shadrack, Meschack and Abednego were three Hebrew boys who will not bow down to the king's idols.

God pretended as if he has abandoned them; but at the end of the day God proved his mightiness in their lives.

 Abraham was the only person whom God regarded as his friend; yet he never had a child until he was One Hundred Years Old and his wife; Ninety years. Job was considered one of the holiest men in his time. Yet he went through a life of turbulence that have never  happened to anyone since then till date but God eventually provide his mightiness in the life of job. 

On my own; when it was my time to marry; it was such a herculean task; but God eventually proved himself. When it was time to bear children; there was delay; but it eventually happened. 
When I needed a venue for my seminars; I did all the prayers I Can and searched everywhere I could. But when it was God's time for the miracle to happen, they came in torrents. 

In those days when I was looking for job, the job refused to come. It was as if the whole world wants to collapse. But when it was time for the job to come; I had two within one month; and I had to choose. 
Now; coming back to you. I don't know for how long you have prayed for a particular thing and it doesn't seem to be happening.

Take heart and keep your faith and hope alive. The God that made all the above happened is still very much alive. 

God bless you.

See you at the Top.

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